We have Japanese-made machinery that mixes, fills, sows, and ships the soil necessary to produce flower and vegetable seedlings.
We have Japanese-made machinery that mixes, fills, sows, and ships the soil necessary to produce flower and vegetable seedlings.
We carry original materials for professional seedling growers, such as hand irrigation equipment and seedling pulling equipment.
Using Japan's original greening system, we construct and maintain wall and rooftop greening with high design and durability.
Japanese-made solidified soil (Excel Soil) is environmentally friendly and has excellent workability.
We are a Japanese machinery manufacturer. In the field of greenhouse horticulture for flower seedlings, vegetable seedlings, tree seedlings, etc., it automates tasks such as mixing soil, filling pots and plug trays with soil, as well as container seedlings for tree seedlings, and sowing.
As part of our environmental greening business, we propose greening materials that meet customer needs, such as rooftop greening and wall greening.